We are dedicated to ensuring your property acquisition process is smooth, accurate, professional, and delivered with the utmost quality and care because your hard-earned money is not lost to fraudsters.

We Verify:


Beacons are correct (beacon certificate)

The title is authentic from the green card search.

Succession issues.

The location on the map is right, as indicated.

If the land/property has any outstanding land rates arrears.

Error checks, including spelling mistakes and typos in the property description.



 We are dedicated to ensuring your property acquisition process is smooth, accurate, professional, and delivered with the utmost quality and care because your hard-earned money is not lost to fraudsters.

Our Process

 In this interactive and easy-to-use platform, you can submit copies of documents for properties you wish to acquire, pay 50% of the total amount ($100)
necessary for facilitation, and we will follow due diligence in verifying and ensuring that what you have is authentic. Once the report is ready, the user can get the full report after the final payment on their email.

Submit Document Copies

Pay 50% Deposit

Verification via Property Verifier

Get your Report on you mailbox

Get In Touch

+254 104338468



USA Contacts


+1 314 309 7944

12334 Inletridge Dr,Maryland Heights 63043 Missouri, USA

Let’s Build Your Dream Together 

We are your trusted foot soldiers on the ground. We do all the walking and knock on all the essential doors so that you can feel safe while making the decision to invest in your
economic growth through property buying.